Friday, January 17, 2014

About me

So why should anyone care what I have to say? I have asked myself this very question a bazillion times and mostly come up with very little but dammit I WILL write and If someone gets something out of it, all the better.
'I' am a 33 year old mama to 3 littles. When I became a mother 7 1/2 years ago, as with many people, I became much more concerned with nutrition. It all started when I had nothing but trouble nursing and decided to go with formula. My son quickly developed excema and seeing him so uncomfortable turned me into a crazed researcher trying to get him some relief.  Since then I have read, and listened to just about anything I could find in an effort to put together a picture of real, holistic health. I am by no means 'there' but I finally feel like I am standing on solid ground. I will continue to learn and tweak my understanding hopefully throughout the rest of my life. Oh and did I mention I developed an auto-immune disorder after my third child was born? I am now on a quest to save my own health . . .and life.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Going Live

Im smiling cause I finally did it. This should be interesting. I will attempt to write on topics relating to a holistic family life on a regular basis. Oh BOY